IoT-Based Control, Monitoring, and Protection System for 3-Phase Induction Motors in Electric Motorcycles
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This study investigates the application of the Internet of Things (IoT) for wireless control and monitoring of a 3-phase electric motor using a smartphone. The system integrates PZEM-004T, DS18B20, and Hall Effect sensors to collect data on voltage, current, temperature, and rotational speed using the NodeMCU ESP8266 microcontroller. Measurements are displayed on an LCD and transmitted to the Blynk server for smartphone access. A comparative method evaluates the accuracy of sensor readings against standard measuring instruments. Results obtained an average percentage error of 0.5% for the R phase voltage, 0.2% for the S phase, and 0.1% for the T phase. Current measurements reveal errors of 5% for the R phase, 10.3% for the S phase, and 11.7% for the T phase. The control system’s performance varies with internet speed, with an average delay of 0.99 seconds on a 4G network and 2.51 seconds on 3G. Additionally, the study evaluates three protection mechanisms, demonstrating that the motor stops within 4.03 seconds in the event of a phase failure, while overcurrent and overheating protections activate within 8.47 seconds and 3.64 seconds, respectively. Overall, the findings affirm the viability of IoT in motor monitoring and control, emphasizing accuracy and response times under varying conditions.
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